15 June 2009

The War of Media: New or Old?

"A new medium is never an addition to an old one, nor does it leave the old one in peace. It never ceases to oppress the older media until it finds new shapes and positions for them".
- Marshall McLuhan -

The rise of new media has led people to access information easily and efficiently via different types of media publishing tools. Such media publishing tools include moblogs, vlogs, photoblog, and news portals. However, there is another particular new form of media publishing that is widely used among web users is YouTube.
YouTube is at the forefront of a new video revolution on the Net (Woolley 2006). The havoc it has created since its invention in 2005 has been a great phenomenal. This shows a new path in media publishing that has never been seen before. Indeed, a video posted on YouTube can have as much impact as an article written in the daily newspapers. YouTube has always been prevalent in the political scene in the recent years.
According to Mohan (2007), candidates now have their own Facebook pages, writing own blogs, and find everything they do recorded on YouTube. In the Malaysian context, individuals tend to rely on YouTube as an alternative media. This is because of the many restrictions of press freedom that causes the mainstream media to be closely knitted and controlled by the government (Kenyon & Marjoribanks 2007). Hence, certain information that is censored in Malaysia’s mainstream media can be obtained alternatively on YouTube.

However, Ashley Jones (2007) stated in one of her issue in EContent website that people keeps uploading video which are not suppose, or rather have no right to do so. Therefore, as an ethical user of the Internet, it is better to think before taking actions. Media publishing has certainly taken a new path. Based on recent feedback and response, no one is betting against it to last for a long while to come.

Jones, A 2007, ‘YouTube’s Legal Issues Grow’, Econtent.com, viewed on 11th June 2009, <http://www.econtentmag.com/Articles/ArticleReader.aspx?ArticleID=39887>.

Kenyon, A & Marjoribanks, T 2007, ‘Transforming Media Markets: The Cases of Malaysia and Singapore’, Australian Journal of Emerging Technologies, vol 5, no. 2, pp. 103-118, viewed on 11th June 2009, <http://www.swinburne.edu.au/hosting/ijets/journal/V5N2/pdf/Article3-KENYON.pdf>.

Mohan, R 2007, YouTube Revolution: How the internet sensation will change the face of political advertising, viewed on 11th June 2009, <http://media.www.osusentinel.com/media/storage/paper1151/news/2007/04/18/Commentary/Youtube.Revolution-2850664.shtml>.

Woolley, S 2006, Video Fixation, Forbes, viewed on 11th June 2009, <http://www.forbes.com/free_forbes/2006/1016/100a.html>.

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